Surviving November

Finals are quickly approaching and so re the holidays and the last thing you want is to  be worrying about school when you are with your family and on break. School stresses us all out and can make what should be a great time, a miserable time from getting a bad grade in a class to even getting sick because you have over stressed yourself. So here are some ways to help with not feeling this way that you and myself hopfully can follow...

  1. Drink plenty of water and get you some vitamin C in there to keep your immune system up
  2. Sleep! Lack of sleep can cause even more stress so relax and sleep so you can be productive
  3. Take a 15-30 minute break and workout. It is a great way to let things go and create energy
  4. Do not procrastinate. Get things done before Thanksgiving even if it means working on the weekends here and there...there are two weeks until Thanksgiving surely you can get those projects done if you allocate an hour a day
  5. Eat healthy things so your body has the proper fuel
  6. Don't waist a ton of time on social can wait (if I super busy I only check my networks when I am about to fall asleep and take just 5 minutes to do some quick scrolling to see if I missed anything big). 

That is just a few to help. Remember there is deep breathing, writing notes to yourself about how great you are and how you can get through this!!!


  1. This is very true, I feel like a lot of times students wear themselves out and forget about the big picture. I'm currently planning on doing a lot of my work before Thanksgiving, as mentioned on your list, so I can enjoy the much needed break with family and friends.

  2. I love this advice! It's really nice for someone else to realize how stressed we are during these last final weeks of November. Teachers are cramming assignments down our throats and then with our winning streak I feel like after every football game I feel like death because my voice is gone from cheering on the dawgs. I am definitely going to take your advice to heart and do some of these things. I definitely think working out is important because not only does your body sweat out all the toxins from the past weekend or day, but also it releases endorphins that make you happy and destress you!

  3. Great advice! I definitely plan to follow these tips as we're nearing Thanksgiving Break. It's definitely easy to procrastinate and plan to work on things later, but getting it done ahead of time will leave room for fun with family and friends on our week off.

  4. I was just thinking to myself on the way to class about how I can't remember the last time I drank a glass of water or felt genuinely well-rested, so these are so important to keep in mind! I can tell that my body feels run down from the stress of school and other commitments, so I know that I need to take some time to myself to breathe and/or sleep a few more minutes!


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